Everyone dies. Not everyone dies well. Good care can make the difference.
How can we help people live well in the face of death? How can we make the process of dying a meaningful experience, free of fear and pain? Heart-to-Heart raises these questions and explores some of the
This series looks at the care given by doctors, hospitals, clergy, family and friends to people at the end of life. It examines the barriers to good care that arise from cultural misunderstanding, from fear
over the use of morphine and other drugs, from lack of funding to pay for good programs. It provides ideas, examples and inspiration for those who are searching for a good path on the journey to death.
Through a weave of personal stories, real life scenes, discussion, original music and a rich sound design, Heart-to-Heart creates a sonic tapestry for the listener, revealing the daily reality experienced
by those who are dying and by those who are caring for them.
"Claire Schoen's sensitively crafted series on caring for the terminally ill is very compelling. This is what good radio is all about. It's wonderful!" - Bill Beckett, Program Director, WUFT-FM Gainesville